Troop 48’s program year reads like an adventure for boys come-true. Twelve months a year, week in and week out we’re doing something fun. This program isn’t for the feint of heart.
Every Tuesday evening from late August until summer camp in July we meet to practice our camping and survival skills, learn about history, first aid, cooking and lots more. We’ve worked on automobile maintenance and studied how a court room works. We have “tool time” (how many different types of wrenches can you name?) and knot tying contests (we call it the Knotheads), and play games that challenge both your physical fitness and your mental skills...“Snow Survival Jeopardy” anyone? At least one weekend a month we’re camping, hiking, fishing, canoeing, bicycling, skiing, Klondike sledding or touring some cool place.
In the summer time we head to someplace special for at least a week. So far we’ve been to the coast of Maine, the civil war battlefields of Virginia, the Chesapeake Bay, the National Scout Jamboree, Nantucket (Yes, that island off the coast of Cape Cod known more for the whaling industry than Scout camping); Philmont in New Mexico, Cayuga Lake in New York State and Algonquin Park in Ontario. Bikes, beaches, canoes, backpacks and clam bakes. Every summer is an adventure.
On the right is the tentative schedule for our trip plans from September through August of next year. It’s constantly evolving and changing so don’t plan on meeting us on top of a mountain somewhere until you’ve verified our plans. If you have great ideas for a new trip or adventure talk to the Senior Patrol leader and let your voice be heard.
Have questions about our program? See us every Tuesday night at 7:30 at Doylestown Presbyterian Church at the corner of Church and Mechanics Streets in Doylestown PA or contact the Scout leaders for more information.