The trail from Life to Eagle is a special one requiring guidance and support from your troop leaders, troop committee, your parents, mentors and the Scout Council. As you reach this plateau in your scouting career be sure to reach out to Mr. Ryan pinkie, Committee Chairman, and Mr. Karl Schmid, Scoutmaster, to develop a plan for reaching the highest rank in scouting. If you are not far from your 18th birthday it is imperative that you take this step immediately so that you can reach your goal on time.


Eagle Scout Rank Advancement Information

All Life Scouts should go to the website links indicated below and print out their Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and Eagle Scout Application (Available on Scoutbook). If you have questions, please contact Mr. Matt Shields, Advancement Chairman, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For your records, keep a full copy with all signatures of each packet of information that gets turned in to Council at the various stages of the Eagle Process.